• 5月份明月村旅游攻略英文(10月份的旅游攻略英文)



  1. 10月份的旅游攻略英文
  2. 五天四晚旅游攻略英文
  3. 旅游攻略英文攻略大全
  4. 瑞士旅游攻略英文翻译


实在找不到其他资料,给你参考一下吧,维也纳攻略: 【行程】 pratterstern(下车的站好像是比较大的一个火车电车汽车站?)——stephansplatz(地铁U1线过去)——dompfare st.stephan(史蒂芬大教堂,很漂亮很壮观,但是夜晚看着很惊悚)——godenkatafel(顺着路往前面走就能看到很多很多教堂)——ehemalige kurmeliter kirche(某教堂)——(2路电车)BURGRING(车站名)——Mozar museum(下车就可以看到莫扎特博物馆前面有雕像)——albrtina museum(博物馆)——statsopern museum(实际上这一片是博物馆区)——Karl splatz(车站里面又一个音乐厕所。

。。0.7欧元一次)——karnter ring(歌剧院很漂亮~)——(往前一直走)wien museum(维也纳博物馆)——(斜对面)musik verien(貌似这就是大家所称道的金色大厅了实际上。。。很小)——(电车D路)Karlskirche(卡尔大教堂很美但是外面在动工我们被赶了出来。。。天知道我们怎么进去的)——(隔壁)technische universitat wien(维也纳技术大学)——(进附近的地铁D号线)burgtheater(某剧院)



1. “时间段 + ago”:用于表示从现在起一段时间之前发生的事。例如:

- He graduated three years ago. 他三年前毕业了。

- They met each other five days ago. 他们五天前遇到了彼此。

2. “时间点 + ago”:用于表示在某个特定时间之前发生的事。例如:

- I started learning English at 7 o'clock this morning. 我今早七点开始学英语。

- The accident happened half an hour ago. 事故发生在半小时前。

3. “in + 时间段”:用于表示在一段时间后发生的事。例如:

- The meeting will take place in three days. 会议将在三天后举行。

- She will graduate in two months. 她将在两个月后毕业。

4. “for + 时间段”:用于表示某个行为或事件持续了多长时间。例如:

- I have lived here for five years. 我在这里住了五年了。

- The meeting lasted for two hours. 会议持续了两个小时。





- 你好!(Hello!)

- 请问你会说英语吗?(Do you speak English?)

- 谢谢!(Thank you!)

- 对不起。(Excuse me. / I'm sorry.)

- 再见!(Goodbye!)


- 我要去...。(I want to go to...)

- 出租车。(Taxi)

- 公共汽车。(Bus)

- 火车站。(Train station)

- 飞机场。(Airport)

- 直走。(Go straight ahead)

- 左转。(Turn left)

- 右转。(Turn right)


- 我想要...(I would like...)

- 一份菜单。(A menu, please.)

- 鸡肉。(Chicken)

- 牛肉。(Beef)

- 蔬菜。(Vegetables)

- 饮料。(Beverage)

- 这个多少钱?(How much is this?)


- 你们这里有...(Do you have...)

- 这个多少钱?(How much is this?)

- 太贵了。(Too expensive.)

- 可以便宜点吗?(Can you make it cheaper?)


- 这里有什么好玩的?(What are the attractions here?)

- 我想要参观...(I would like to visit...)

- 这个附近有什么值得看的?(What's worth seeing around here?)

- 我迷路了。(I'm lost.)


- 救命!(Help!)

- 我丢了我的包。(I lost my bag.)

- 我需要医生。(I need a doctor.)



switzerland is the place i most want to visit.

it is bordered by germany to the norht,france to the west italy to the south and austria to the east.

switzerland is one of most beautiful place in the earth which has become a dream destinatian for everyday including me.the climate there is largely responsible for making the country such a popular tourist destination.

the people there are also being well educated.there ara high standard of publicly-funed education famous universities include the university of zurich,university of berne.

the climate is continental,and the temperature is modified by winds off the atlantic ocean.winters are cold,while summers tend to be hot and sunny.

over 60% of the country is mountainous and a quarter of it is coverd in forests.

what i dream to do in switzerland is skiing.switzerland is a word ski resort.for example,the titlis is well-konwn for skiing.

small,mountainous and wealthy,with a population of just 7.5million,switzerland is renowned for its enviab